Lezingen / Presentations






  • 12/2/2022 Thermofysiologie, Landelijke organisatie van aspirant huisartsen, Tropenmuseum Amsterdam (NL)
  • 11/11/2022 Effect of hitte en koude op prestatie en gezondheid, Symposium Weer en Gezondheid, Nederlandse Vereniging ter Bevordering van de Meteorologie De Bilt (NL)
  • 11/9/2022 Voetbalprestatie in de hitte, bijeenkomst College van Clubartsen en Consultenten, Zeist (NL)
  • 9/10/2022 Thermometry, International Conference of Environmental Ergonomics, Niagara Falls (CND)
  • 6/2/2022 Thermometry, Symposium The Surgical Company (TCS), Deventer (NL)
  • 4/22/2022 Presteren in de hitte, Get Ready Marathon congres, Enschede (NL)



  • 12/04/2020 Thermofysiologie; hitte- en koudebelasting tijdens arbeid
    Heijermans lezing Amsterdam (NL)
  • 11/16/2020 Human Performance in the heat
    Lode Webinar (virtueel) Soesterberg (NL)
  • 11/13/2020 Thermofysiologie
    Scholingsbijeenkomst anaesthesie (virtueel) Ede (NL)
  • 10/29/2020 Hitteziekten
    Symposium Ministerie van Defensie Amsterdam (NL)
  • 10/26/2020 Cold-Induced Vasodilatation (CIVD) as a protective mechanism against cold injuries
    Physiology and Pharmacology of Temperature Regulation conference 2020 (virtual) Vancouver (CAN)
  • 10/09/2020 Heat strain during work
    Webinar International association for safety and survival training Soesterberg (NL)
  • 08/31/2020 Hitte en Corona
    Openingsbijeenkomst College van Bestuur Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam Amsterdam (NL)
  • 05/15/2020 Virtual Fitting
    Webinar Human Factors NL Themabijeenkomst Antropometrie Soesterberg (NL)
  • 02/11/2020 Voorbereiden voor presteren in hitte
    Bijeenkomst nationale trainers KNVB Zeist (NL)
  • 02/03/2020 Is een ijskoude douche in de ochtend nou echt zo gezond?
    Universiteit van Nederland Amsterdam (NL)
  • 01/31/2020 Preparation for performance in the heat
    Symposium extreme heat&cold Amsterdam (NL)


  • 02/06/2019 Overview of achievements
    NATO meeting RTG-266 on 3D scanning for clothing fit Paris (F)
  • 03/08/2019 Determining the human heat balance
    Workshop in conference Amsterdam Movement Sciences Amsterdam (NL)
  • 03/22/2019 Organisation of the 2019 ICEE conference
    ThermoNed meeting Soesterberg (NL)
  • 03/29/2019 Applied Thermal Physiology
    Wageningen University Wageningen (NL)
  • 04/10/2019 Human performance in thermal extremes
    Prof. Kooy Symposium (KIVI) Stroe (NL)
  • 04/15/2019 Fire fighter combat gear and thermoregulation
    Fire fighter symposium Amstelveen (NL)
  • 05/09/2019 Cool people - relation between heat and health
    Cool Groen Symposium Utrecht (NL)
  • 05/15/2019 Heat acclimation and cooling systems
    Symposium Combattere il Caldo Rome (Italy)
  • 06/04/2019 Applied Thermal Physiology
    International Student Congress Of (bio)Medical Sciences 2019 Groningen (NL)
  • 06/28/2019 Hypothermia
    Anaesthesia meeting Ede (NL)
  • 07/11/2019 Screening tests to reduce frostbite risks
    International Conference of Environmental Ergonomics 2019 Amsterdam (NL)
  • 11/12/2019 Cold physiology - adaptation to the cold
    Seminar in Cold Weather injuries Oslo (N)


  • 01/20/2018 Exercise physiology in swimming
    Swim and Science day Eindhoven (NL)
  • 05/22/2018 Applied Thermal Physiology
    Course on Sport Medicine Bilthoven (NL)
  • 05/26/2018 Heat strain in soccer players
    Dutch Medical association of elite soccer clubs Breda (NL)
  • 05/26/2018 Cold strain in the Arctic
    Artic counsil Schiedam (NL)
  • 06/14/2018 Thermal Physiology
    Cardiology department meeting Utrecht (NL)
  • 06/25/2018 Heat related mortality
    National heat stress conference Den Bosch (NL)
  • 09/21/2018 Overview of fitting techniques
    Symposium Fitting Garments using the Internet Amsterdam (NL)
  • 10/10/2018 Heat acclimation decay and re-acclimation: how fast does it happen?
    Physiology and Pharmacology of Thermal Regulation (PPTR) conference Split (Croatia)
  • 12/07/2018 Applied Thermal Physiology
    Groningen University Groningen (NL)


  • 01/12/2017 Duurzame mode door ketenomkering (Sustainable fashion through reversal of the clothing chain)
    Sustainable Fashion Symposium Delft (NL)
  • 01/13/2017 Acclimation to cold
    Medicine in Extremes Conference Amsterdam (NL)
  • 03/06/2017 Nutrition in heat and cold
    VU University Amsterdam (NL)
  • 04/05/2017 Applied Thermal Physiology
    WUR Wageningen (NL)
  • 06/06/2017 Applied Thermal Physiology for clothing research
    Saxion Enschede (NL)
  • 06/29/2017 Heat acclimation
    Science & Cycling Conference Dusseldorf (D)
  • 09/15/2017 Human-Clothing interaction in the heat
    Clothing symposium Ghent (B)
  • 09/19/2017 Applied Thermal Physiology
    RUG Groningen (NL)
  • 11/20/2017 Applied Thermal Physiology
    Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (NL)


  • 01/28/2016 Applied Thermal Physiology
    Course for military medical personnel NSPOH Soesterberg (NL)
  • 03/15/2016 Applied Thermal Physiology
    Etnos meeting Bunnik (NL)
  • 03/29/2016 Applied Thermal Physiology
    Course on sports and nutrition Wageningen (NL)
  • 04/05/2016 Applied Thermal Physiology
    Vereniging Sportgeneeskunde Nederland (VSN) De Bilt (NL)
  • 04/07/2016 Applied Thermal Physiology
    Course for physiotherapists Amersfoort (NL)
  • 04/09/2016 Applied Thermal Physiology
    Open Day Faculty of Behaviour and Movement Sciences Amsterdam (NL)
  • 04/12/2016 Clothing fit
    Asics Hoofddorp (NL)
  • 04/15/2016 Chairman
    Meeting on thermal management during surgery Breda (NL)
  • 04/20/2016 Modelling of labour productivity loss due to climate change: HEAT-SHIELD
    Modeling climate impact session of the European Geosciences Union Vienna (Austria)
  • 05/17/2016 Chairman
    Symposium Vulnerability mapping Soesterberg (NL)
  • 05/26/2016 Expert panel
    Recrafting crafts - Waag Society Amsterdam (NL)
  • 06/02/2016 Masterclass Applied Thermal Physiology
    VU Masterclass Amsterdam (NL)
  • 06/29/2016 Garment fit of wheel chair users
    Artez Symposium Arnhem (NL)
  • 07/07/2016 Applications of heat acclimation for competitive sport performance
    European College of Sport Science (ECSS) conference Vienna (Austria)
  • 07/09/2016 Smart Garments in sports
    Session linked to European Athletic Championships Amsterdam (NL)
  • 09/16/2016 Thermal physiology
    European Society of Aerospace Medicine (ESAM) conference Oslo (Norway)
  • 10/27/2016 Cooling garments
    Drive Festival Eindhoven (NL)
  • 11/01/2016 Chairman
    NATO RTG-266 meeting on 3D scanning and clothing fit & logistics Ottawa (CDN)
  • 11/08/2016 Applied Thermal Physiology
    VU University Amsterdam (NL)
  • 12/01/2016 Changes in the volume and circumference of the torso, leg and arm after cycling in the heat determined using 3D whole body scanners
    Body scanning conference Lugano (CH)
  • 12/08/2016 Participant in session on cold injuries
    PPTR conference Ljubljana (Slovenia)


  • 01/08/2015 Kou en Hitte
    Congres 200 jaar Koninklijke Landmacht: Grensverleggen Garderen (NL)
  • 02/11/2015 3D Whole body scanning
    Expert Technology Platform Euratex Brussel (B)
  • 03/27/2015 Applied Thermal Physiology
    Course on Sports and Nutrition Wageningen (NL)
  • 05/22/2015 Hoogte en Koude
    Opleiding sportartsen Bilthoven (NL)
  • 06/12/2015 3D whole body scanning
    Brancheorganisatie Textielservicebedrijven TKT Geldermalsen (NL)
  • 06/18/2015 Applied Thermal Physiology
    Course for military medical personnel NSPOH Soesterberg (NL)
  • 07/01/2015 Heat Strain in Cycling
    Science&Cycling 2015 Utrecht (NL)
  • 08/04/2015 Thermal comfort in busses
    Qbus management Utrecht (NL)
  • 09/03/2015 Human factors in Personal Protective Equipment
    European Coating Congress Ghent (B)
  • 09/25/2015 Omgaan met extreme kou en hitte
    Naturalis Leiden (NL)
  • 10/06/2015 Applied Thermal Physiology
    Human Movement Science Course Groningen (NL)
  • 10/26/2015 Basic Applied Thermal Physiology
    Human Movement Science Course Amsterdam (NL)
  • 11/12/2015 Sport research at VU University
    Handelsdelegatie Japan Tokyo (Japan)
  • 11/17/2015 Temperature management
    37 Company Dusseldorf (D)
  • 12/01/2015 Applied Thermal Physiology
    Human Movement Science Course Amsterdam (NL)


  • 01/16/2014 Sizing systems in garments
    Brown Bag Lunch Lecture Series Amsterdam (NL)
  • 01/23/2014 Next Fashion
    Fashion Colloquia Amsterdam (NL)
  • 02/04/2014 Smart Garments
    Students in Motion project Amsterdam (NL)
  • 02/06/2014 Cold problems in wanderers
    GGD lecture series The Hague (NL)
  • 02/13/2014 Running in the cold
    Symposium of the Dutch Athletics Association Utrecht (NL)
  • 03/07/2014 Cooling in the heat
    Presentation of the Human Power Team 2014 Amsterdam (NL)
  • 03/19/2014 Fit of Military Garments
    Clothing and Personal Equipment Office of the Netherlands Armed Forces Soesterberg (NL)
  • 03/27/2014 Glove Fit
    National Fashion Congress 2014 Arnhem (NL)
  • 03/28/2014 Applied Thermal Physiology
    Course on Sports and Nutrition Wageningen (NL)
  • 04/09/2014 Clothing: our new house?
    Pre-meeting of the International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate Maastricht (NL)
  • 04/12/2014 Applied Thermal Physiology
    Parents meeting Faculty of Human Movement Sciences Amsterdam (NL)
  • 04/12/2014 Fashion and Science
    Shanghai Fashion Week Shanghai (China)
  • 05/22/2014 The CAESAR 3D anthropometric survey: approach and applications
    Smartfit conference Ghent (B)
  • 05/28/2014 Fit in het heetst van de strijd
    SSIG - Road to Rio Conference Groningen (NL)
  • 05/30/2014 Non-invasive core temperature monitoring
    T37C KOL meeting Stockholm (S)
  • 06/23/2014 3D whole body scanning technologies & CAESAR Lessons Learned
    ASTM/WEAR joint meeting Toronto (CND)
  • 07/04/2014 Performance in Thermal extremes - Adaptation to heat and cold; session Interaction between thermal environment, mental and physical status of the athlete and power output
    European Conference of Sports Sciences Amsterdam (NL)
  • 09/08/2014 Optimization of garment fit
    Conference Ambience 2014 Tampere (Finland)
  • 09/11/2014 Temperature management
    37 Company Amersfoort (NL)
  • 10/09/2014 Smart Garments (moderator)
    Symposium on Fashion Technology (SOFT) Amsterdam (NL)
  • 10/16/2014 Smart Garments
    ArcInTex “Shaping (Un)Common Grounds” symposium Eindhoven (NL)
  • 10/22/2014 Smart Garments
    Smart Industries symposium at Dutch Design Week Eindhoven (NL)
  • 10/29/2014 Adaptation to cold & Manual performance in the cold
    NATO conference RTO-HFM-255 Kjeller (Norway)
  • 10/31/2014 Thermal physiology
    Into the wild - De militaire arts in Afrika symposium Soesterberg (NL)
  • 11/11/2014 Cooling garments
    Defensie challenge over koelende kleding Doorn (NL)
  • 11/12/2014 Impact of body dimensions
    Modint conference on body dimensions and fit Zeist (NL)
  • 11/18/2014 Temperature management
    37 Company Zwolle (NL)
  • 11/19/2014 Slimme kleding
    Studium Generale: Innovaties in Textiel Leiden (NL)
  • 11/25/2014 Lectorale rede
    Special meeting Amsterdam (NL)


  • 01/24/2013 Heat strain in Elderly
    Climate Proof Cities Conference Amersfoort (NL)
  • 02/11/2013 Past and future of applied thermal physiology
    ICEE conference Queenstown (New Zealand)
  • 04/16/2013 R&D at the Department of Training and Performance Innovations
    Knowledge Position Audit (president Paul Schnabel) Soesterberg (NL)
  • 04/22/2013 Literature and Patent analysis of Neuroscience
    Meeting with US Army Research lab Baltimore (USA)
  • 05/14/2013 Thermal regulation in elderly related to building construction
    Meeting of directors of elderly centers Rijswijk (NL)
  • 06/12/2013 Core temperature assessment
    Symposium TOPpen of tobben, Stichting Training Infectiepreventie Arnhem (NL)
  • 08/28/2013 Effect of global warming and urban heat islands on work productivity
    Symposium on the effect of global warming and urban heat islands on work productivity Soesterberg (NL)
  • 09/18/2013 Surprising Innovations in Clothing for work in heat and cold
    Symposium Innovation in the Maritime and Offshore Industry Rotterdam (NL)
  • 10/16/2013 Human thermophysiology and heat stress
    Urban Physics Autumn School Nikiti Chalkidiki (Greece)
  • 10/31/2013 Core temperature assessment
    Symposium on body core temperature assessment Soesterberg (NL)


  • 02/23/2012 3D scanning systems
    Delft University Workshop Delft (NL)
  • 03/27/2012 Introduction in Thermal Physiology
    Wageningen University Wageningen (NL)
  • 05/31/2012 3D surface scanning
    International conference on Anaplasty Gent (B)
  • 06/06/2012 Costs and benefits of training to prevent heat and cold injuries
    NATO SAS meeting Amsterdam (NL)
  • 09/26/2012 Applied Thermal Physiology
    Groningen University Groningen (NL)
  • 09/27/2012 Human factors of personal protective equipment
    ASML TechTalk Veldhoven (NL)
  • 10/25/2012 Heat strain in Elderly
    Climate Proof Cities Yearly Event Eindhoven (NL)
  • 11/04/2012 Cold Physiology
    National Moutaineer Conference The Hague (NL)
  • 11/15/2012 Applied Thermal Physiology
    Guest Lecture Tartu (Estonia)


  • 01/18/2011 Heat strain in the elderly
    Workshop Elderly Soesterberg (NL)
  • 01/20/2011 Introduction in Thermal Physiology
    VU University Amsterdam (NL)
  • 01/21/2011 3D scanning systems
    Delft University Workshop Delft (NL)
  • 02/01/2011 Prospie project
    PPE Conference Brussels (B)
  • 02/15/2011 Workshop fit mapping and 3D scanning
    WEAR meeting Adelaide (Australia)
  • 03/11/2011 Heat strain in the elderly
    Meeting on climate proof cities Utrecht (NL)
  • 03/18/2011 Introduction in Thermal Physiology
    Wageningen University Wageningen (NL)
  • 04/14/2011 Heat strain in the elderly
    Meeting on climate proof cities Arnhem (NL)
  • 04/21/2011 The Prospie project
    Smart Textiles Salon 2011 Ghent (B)
  • 05/13/2011 Cold Physiology
    Mountaineer Course SOS Zoetermeer (NL)
  • 05/31/2011 Open Garments sizing issues
    Mass Customization meeting Berlin (D)
  • 06/07/2011 Thermoregulation in sports
    Faculty of veterinary research Utrecht (NL)
  • 06/09/2011 Innovations in carpet research
    NVTF meeting Zeist (NL)
  • 06/16/2011 Innovations in the garment industry
    Modint conference Utrecht (NL)
  • 06/12/2011 Trainability of CIVD
    ICEE XII conference Nafplio (GR)
  • 06/13/2011 Heat strain in the elderly
    ICEE XII conference Nafplio (GR)
  • 08/01/2011 Heat strain in the elderly
    Meeting climate proof cities Utrecht (NL)
  • 09/15/2011 Applied Thermal Physiology
    Groningen University Groningen (NL)
  • 10/04/2011 Human factors in Personal Protective Equipment Research
    Taiwan Textile Research Institute Taipeh (Taiwan)
  • 10/16/2011 Applied Thermal Physiology
    Boerhaave Course Leiden (NL)
  • 10/21/2011 Thresholds in Thermoregulation
    40 year celebration of the Faculty of Human Movement Sciences Amsterdam (NL)
  • 11/10/2011 Innovative textiles
    Textile conference Arnhem (NL)
  • 12/09/2011 The Prospie project
    Meeting department of Design Lund (S)


  • 02/02/2010 Thermal Physiology
    Senior Society VU University Amsterdam (NL)
  • 03/12/2010 Introduction in Thermal Physiology
    Wageningen University Wageningen (NL)
  • 03/25/2010 Heat strain research at TNO
    Heat Stroke consensus meeting Kaapstad (South-Africa)
  • 04/13/2010 Fit issues in protective clothing
    NATO ASI on Defense Related Intelligent Textiles and Clothing for Ballistic and NBC Protection Split (Kroatia)
  • 04/15/2010 Heat strain alleviation in protective clothing
    NATO ASI on Defense Related Intelligent Textiles and Clothing for Ballistic and NBC Protection Split (Kroatia)
  • 05/22/2010 Exercise in the cold
    18th international congress on physical education and sport Komotini (Greece)
  • 06/08/2010 Clothing fit
    Modint meeting on clothing fit Zeist (NL)
  • 06/10/2010 New developments in anthropometry
    Presentation of the new national growth diagrams Rotterdam (NL)
  • 06/18/2010 Head cooling
    Mini symposium for the farewell of Prof. Hoogland Amsterdam (NL)
  • 06/25/2010 The effect of heat strain and clothing on sport performances
    International Conference on Innovations in Sports Textiles Ghent (B)
  • 07/02/2010 Thermal aspects of cycling
    Symposium Cycling, Climate and Health Rotterdam (NL)
  • 07/05/2010 The human heat balance
    TNO meeting Soesterberg (NL)
  • 09/02/2010 Warmtehuishouding van de mens in de gebouwde omgeving
    Vereniging Integrale Biologische Architectuur De Lier (NL)
  • 09/23/2010 Fit issues for military equipment
    WEAR conference Valencia (Spain)
  • 09/23/2010 Validation of digital man models
    WEAR conference Valencia (Spain)
  • 10/13/2010 Applied Thermal Physiology
    PhD cursus Nederlandse Hartstichting Papendal (NL)


  • 02/03/2009 Clothing fit and anthropometric data collection
    WEAR conference Marco Island, Florida (US)
  • 03/13/2009 Introduction in Thermal Physiology
    Wageningen University Wageningen (NL)
  • 04/02/2009 The Prospie Project
    Euratex conference Brussels (B)
  • 04/22/2009 Manual dexterity in the cold
    NATO HFM conference on 'Soldiers in the cold' Helsinki (Finland)
  • 05/06/2009 Introduction in Thermal Physiology
    VU University Amsterdam (NL)
  • 05/22/2009 3D body scanning techniques
    TTCP HUM TP15 workshop on future directions for anthropometry Farnborough (UK)
  • 05/11/2009 The Prospie project
    4th European conference on protective clothing Papendal (NL)
  • 06/30/2009 Fit of female blouses
    Open Garments Project meeting Diepenbeek (B)
  • 07/07/2009 3D scan applications for the armed forces
    Management meeting of the Defence Clothing and Equipment Office Soesterberg (NL)
  • 08/04/2009 CIVD at altitude
    ICEE conference Boston (USA)
  • 09/10/2009 Monitoring of Heart Rate and Core temperature
    Eindhoven Marathon expert meeting Eindhoven (NL)
  • 10/15/2009 Clothing ergonomics
    Meeting of the Dutch Ergonomics Society Clothing Museum Tilburg (NL)
  • 11/23/2009 Applied Thermal Physiology
    Guest Lecture Erasmus Fund Tartu (Estonia)
  • 12/01/2009 Climate related morbidity and mortality in the elderly – why do they get ill and die?
    SENSE conference Volendam (NL)
  • 12/04/2009 Personal Cooling Systems
    Kick-Off Prospie project Oegstgeest (NL)
  • 12/04/2009 Thermal Stress and Thermal Strain
    ini-symposium ‘Public health in urban environments during thermal extremes Rotterdam (NL)


  • 02/05/2008 3D anthropometric data collection and bra sizing
    WEAR meeting Tokyo (J)
  • 02/26/2008 Working in the cold and how to protect against it
    European Cold Chain Education Conference Amsterdam
  • 03/06/2008 Introduction to Prevention of Heat Casualties Symposium
    Heat Casualties Symposium Soesterberg
  • 03/18/2008 Applied Thermal Physiology
    Wageningen University Wageningen
  • 03/20/2008 Applied Thermal Physiology
    Human Movement Lecture Series Groningen
  • 04/23/2008 College Thermofysiologie
    Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
  • 05/30/2008 Een werelddekkende database van lichaamsdimensies - het WEAR project
    TNO Colloquium Soesterberg
  • 10/03/2008 Pacing strategies in the heat
    Symposium on Pacing strategies Soesterberg
  • 11/27/2008 Hoe weer en klimaat de mens thermisch belast
    Lezing KNMI De Bilt
  • 12/02/2008 Heat strain and fit of personal protective equipment
    PPE conference Hengelo (NL)


  • 02/06/2007 Bra Sizing and Fit
    WEAR meeting Adelaide (Aus)
  • 02/14/2007 Ergonomics of Protective Clothing, Heat Strain & Fit
    Conference on Textiles for Heat Protection Gent (B)
  • 02/16/2007 Thermal Physiology
    Education for military medicine Soesterberg
  • 02/21/2007 Thermal Physiology
    NVVA conference Ede
  • 04/24/2007 Head Cooling
    Symposium on personal cooling Soesterberg
  • 07/31/2007 3D anthropometric data collection
    WEAR meeting Banff (CDN)
  • 08/23/2007 Finger cold induced vasodilation
    International Conference on Environmental Ergonomics Portoroz Slovenia
  • 08/23/2007 Trainability of cold induced vasodilation
    International Conference on Environmental Ergonomics Portoroz Slovenia
  • 10/04/2007 Thermal Physiology
    Faculty of Human Movement Science University of Groningen
  • 11/15/2007 Thermal Physiology
    Training course for Sports Medicine XPRESS Zeist


  • 01/06/2006 Thermal Physiology and 3D anthropometry
    Colloquium EMPA St. Gallen (CH)
  • 01/18/2006 Relatie tussen MBO en Bedrijven
    Themadag BVE-raad Rotterdam
  • 02/09/2006 Postmortale tijdbepaling en 3D gezichtsherkenning
    Nederlands Forensisch Instituut Rijswijk
  • 02/13/2006 Thermofysiologie
    Opleiding defensieartsen Soesterberg
  • 02/23/2006 Acclimatisation of soldiers
    Workshop MOD UK Farnborough (UK)
  • 04/06/2006 A tactical decision Aid for Thermal Exposure
    NATO Head Quarters Brussels (B)
  • 04/27/2006 Thermofysiologie
    Colloquium Neuro-endocrinologie Rotterdam
  • 05/17/2006 Acclimatisation of soldiers
    Workshop MOD UK Farnborough (UK)
  • 06/15/2006 The importance of Human Factors in Defence
    SMi Conference London (UK)
  • 07/13/2006 Processing techniques of anthropometric data
    IEA conference Maastricht
  • 09/20/2006 Maastrichts mooiste
    Discussion Forum on Heat Strain Maastricht
  • 10/11/2006 Applied Thermal Physiology
    Seminar Nederlandse Hartstichting Ede
  • 10/16/2006 Clothing Fit
    Opening i-Fashion Seoul (Korea)
  • 10/20/2006 Achilles - Second Skin
    Terugkeerdag FrameGame Den Haag
  • 11/30/2006 Clothing Fit
    International Apparel Federation meeting Zeist


  • 01/14/2005 Pasvorm van Kleding
    Bijeenkomst kledingindustrie Breda
  • 01/25/2005 Meten van lichaamstemperatuur
    Jaarvergadering van de Ned. Ver. voor Klinische Fysica Den Bosch
  • 03/11/2005 TNO in de topsport
    Carrierebeurs Amsterdam
  • 04/07/2005 Lessons learned from CAESAR - Surface and Volume determination from 3D scans
    WEAR meeting Pretoria (South Africa)
  • 05/19/2005 The risk index for frostbite
    NATO Specialist meeting on the prevention of cold injuries Amsterdam
  • 05/27/2005 Thermoregulatie
    Jaarcongres Ned. Ver. Bedrijfsartsen (NVAB) Noordwijk
  • 09/10/2005 Clothing Fit and heat transfer
    NATO meeting on intelligent textiles Zadar (Kroatia)
  • 11/01/2005 Thermal Physiological Research with focus on CIVD
    Seminar USARIEM Natick (USA)
  • 11/09/2005 Infrared ear thermometry
    Int. conference on thermometry Leeds (UK)
  • 11/11/2005 Inspanning in de hitte
    Arbodag Defensie Utrecht
  • 11/30/2005 Augmented reality research for control rooms
    WEAR meeting Rio de Janero (Brazil)


  • 02/27/2004 Warm aanbevolen
    Inaugurele rede Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
  • 6/10/2004 User interface and output specification
    WEAR (world-wide engineering anthropometry resource) meeting Dayton OH (USA)
  • 06/25/2004 Human digital models
    Symposium on 3D human modeling Tokio (Japan)
  • 09/16/2004 Fever measurement in children
    Refereeravond Elkerlyk ziekenhuis Helmond
  • 10/14/2004 The effect of redistribution of body heat on efficiency and heat balance
    IUPS conference Rhodos (Greece)


  • 01/15/2003 Clothing at work
    National fair on working conditions Amsterdam
  • 02/26/2003 Fit of protective masks
    NATO LG-7 Brussels
  • 02/28/2003 Thermal Physiology
    Post doctoral course on Ergonomics Soesterberg
  • 03/05/2003 Camouflage against thermal imaging
    Soldier Modernization Program Technology Demonstration Soesterberg
  • 04/08/2003 Thermofysiologie
    College Bew.wetenschappen VU A'dam Amsterdam
  • 04/16/2003 Thermal Physiology
    Post doctoral course on medical insurance Amsterdam
  • 05/24/2003 Thermoregulatie
    Nederlandse Hypofyse dag Ede
  • 06/04/2003 Human models
    Opening Simlab Soesterberg
  • 06/19/2003 Relatie tussen fysiologie en kleding
    Symposium TNO Kleding Totaal Enschede
  • 06/20/2003 Thermal Physiology
    Post doctoral course on ergonomics Soesterberg
  • 08/28/2003 Applications using the CAESAR survey
    Symposium of the Korean Clothing and Textile Association Seoul (Korea)
  • 09/26/2003 Thermal Physiology
    Beat the Heat symposium, Faculty of Industrial Design Eindhoven
  • 11/08/2003 Clothing made to measure
    Tall peoples association Amersfoort
  • 11/13/2003 Physiological and psychological strain wearing protective masks
    International Society of Respiratory Protection Conference Rijswijk
  • 12/10/2003 Thermal sweating
    NATO HFM-panel specialist meeting on Hydration Boston (USA)


  • 01/30/2002 Human factors in impermeable clothing
    NATO Long Term Scientific Study on NBC protection Rijswijk
  • 02/08/2002 Gebruik van de nieuwe kledingmaattabellen
    Vilenzo Breda
  • 03/14/2002 Workshop Statistica
    CAESAR partner meeting Dayton (OH), USA
  • 03/20/2002 The Dutch Soldier Modernisation Programme
    Meeting with Belgian SMP programme officers Amersfoort
  • 03/23/2002 Overzicht van het congres over bouwen
    NVvE congres 2002 Arnhem
  • 04/11/2002 Gastcollege Thermofysiologie
    Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
  • 05/01/2002 Normen voor 3D scanning
    Bijeenkomst ISO/TC159/SC3/WG61 Berlijn
  • 05/10/2002 NedScan
    Workshop met Prof. Lee, Nam en Choi (Korea) Soesterberg
  • 05/22/2002 Kleding tegen warmtebeeldwaarneming
    Workshop warmtebeeldwaarneming Amersfoort
  • 05/23/2002 Thermofysiologie
    Gastcollege voor verzekeringsartsen en bedrijfsartsen Utrecht
  • 06/01/2002 Onderkoeling en koudeletsel
    Veiligheidscongres van de Kon. Ned. Klim en Bergsportvereniging Zoetermeer
  • 06/05/2002 Koudebelasting
    Arbokring Amsterdam
  • 06/06/2002 Functioneren in thermische extremen
    Symposium belastend werk Soesterberg
  • 06/19/2002 Presteren in de hitte
    Symposium over Olympische Spelen in 2004 Utrecht
  • 06/21/2002 International standards on 3D anthropometry
    e-T cluster review Brussel
  • 06/26/2002 Local heat transfer of cool and warm bodies
    World conference on drowning Amsterdam
  • 09/13/2002 The eT-cluster project
    ASTM meeting Raleigh (USA)
  • 09/24/2002 Determination of clothing microclimate volume
    Xth ICEE conference Fukuoka (Japan)- Best Poster Award
  • 11/07/2002 Workshop on made to measure clothing
    Contec Technology Update Den Bosch
  • 12/13/2002 International standards on 3D anthropometry
    e-T cluster review Brussel
  • 12/18/2002 Tools for physical performance
    Coca Cola meeting Zeist


  • 01/08/2001 Werken in impermeabele kleding
    NIBRA cursus Antwerpen (B)
  • 01/29/2001 CEASAR project in The Netherlands
    CEASAR partner meeting Seattle (USA)
  • 02/06/2001 Natuurlijke ventilatie
    Congres over natuurlijke ventilatie Nieuwegein
  • 02/16/2001 Pasvorm van kleding en uitrusting
    Colloquim TNO Technische Menskunde Soesterberg
  • 03/13/2001 Thermofysiologie
    Gastcollege Fac. Bewegingswetenschappen VU Amsterdam
  • 03/16/2001 Cursus Thermofysiologie
    Bedrijfsartsen Soesterberg
  • 03/26/2001 Textielcomfort
    Lezing voor textielbedrijven Enschede
  • 03/28/2001 Ergonomie
    Opleiding bewegingstechnologie Den Haag
  • 06/14/2001 Kledingventilatie
    Nike Hilversum
  • 11/07/2001 A tactical decision aid for thermal exposure
    KLu Den Haag
  • 11/21/2001 Van NedScan naar kledingmaattabellen
    Seminar Soesterberg


  • 01/21/2000 A Tactical Decision Aid on Thermal Exposure
    Dutch Military Meteorological Office Woensdrecht
  • 01/24/2000 CAESAR Update Europa
    CAESAR partners meeting Los Angeles (USA)
  • 02/01/2000 Human body dimensions
    CEN workgroup on Protective Clothing Soesterberg
  • 02/04/2000 Non-invasive rewarming techniques: state of the art
    Symposium on hypothermia Utrecht
  • 02/11/2000 NedScan
    Colloquium Soesterberg
  • 03/14/2000 Thermofysiologie
    Gastcollege Bew.wetenschappen VU A'dam Amsterdam
  • 03/17/2000 Thermofysiologie
    Post-doctorale opleiding ergonomie Soesterberg
  • 03/23/2000 The human, clothing and textiles
    Int. conference on smart textiles Berkel-Enschot
  • 04/05/2000 New developments in clothing research
    AVAG yearly meeting Rhenen
  • 05/24/2000 Using Polyworks to process and evaluate whole body scans
    Scanning 2000 Conference Paris
  • 06/24/2000 Construction of an international database on body dimensions: the CAESAR survey
    Scanning 2000 Conference Paris
  • 08/02/2000 Heat packs and dexterity
    ICEE 9 Conference Dortmund
  • 08/02/2000 CIVD acclimation to altitude
    ICEE 9 Conference Dortmund
  • 09/11/2000 Schilderskleding
    Workshop schilderskleding Eindhoven
  • 10/04/2000 Kleding in de sport
    Topsport en Textiel-symposium Papendal
  • 10/31/2000 Een beslishulp voor thermische overbelasting
    Militaire dag Soesterberg
  • 11/30/2000 Onderzoek van werkkleding
    Jaarvergadering Holland Career Workwear Hooglanderveen


  • 01/29/1999 Thermofysiologie
    Post-doctorale opleiding ergonomie Soesterberg
  • 03/09/1999 Thermofysiologie
    Gastcollege Bew.wetenschappen VU A'dam Amsterdam
  • 04/10/1999 De Kleermaker vervangen door de computer?
    Studiedag Bond voor Kleermakers Hooglanderveen
  • 04/16/1999 Koude fysiologie
    Studenten Ergonomie Amsterdam Soesterberg
  • 04/30/1999 Ventilation through NBC-clothing
    NATO meeting Farnborough Farnborough (UK)
  • 05/18/1999 Civilian European and American Anthropometry Resource
    Human Digital Modelling conference Scheveningen
  • 08/16/1999 Working with polyworks and CAESAR in Europe
    CAESAR partner meeting Boston (USA)
  • 09/13/1999 The effect of heat and food on mortality in 1910
    Guest lecture - Faculty of History - Catholic University of Nijmegen Nijmegen
  • 11/12/1999 Human Digitization
    Conference of the Dutch Ergonomics Association Doorwerth
  • 12/04/1999 Acclimatization of CIVD to altitude
    Symposium of the Dutch Association for Exercise Physiology Utrecht


  • 02/06/1998 Thermofysiologie
    Studenten Ergonomie Amsterdam Soesterberg
  • 03/09/1998 Koude fysiologie
    Org. Protection against Chemical Warfare Soesterberg
  • 04/09/1998 Thermofysiologie
    Studenten bewegingswetenschappen VU A'Dam Soesterberg
  • 04/29/1998 Massa-individualisatie in de kledingindustrie
    Bedrijven top-100 Amsterdam
  • 05/07/1998 Whole body scanning
    Contec beurs - kledingindustrie Veldhoven
  • 05/19/1998 Thermofysiologie
    Post-doctorale opleiding ergonomie Amsterdam
  • 09/07/1998 Thermofysiologie
    BIOMED-werkgroep Toulouse (F)
  • 10/01/1998 Textiel- en kledingmetingen
    KPN Corporate Fashion Services Soesterberg
  • 10/19/1998 Axon reflexes in cold exposed fingers
    8th Conference on Environmental Ergonomics San Diego (USA)
  • 10/27/1998 Veranderingen in de Persoonlijke Standaard Uitrusting
    Militaire Symposiumdag Soesterberg
  • 11/03/1998 Tactical Decision Aid for Human Thermal Exposure
    Meteorologists NATO Panel Brussel (B)
  • 11/21/1998 Cold Physiology
    Int. Mountain Climbers Conference Voorburg
  • 11/24/1998 Thermofysiologie
    Platform Omgevingstechnologie Leiden
  • 12/09/1998 Presteren in hitte en kou
    Studiever. Protagoras Eindhoven Soesterberg
  • 12/17/1998 Prestatie in en acclimatisatie aan hitte en kou
    NOC*NSF Soesterberg


  • 01/28/1997 Whole body scanning
    Management 30 grote Nederlandse bedrijven Soesterberg
  • 03/11/1997 Thermofysiologie
    Vereniging voor Inspanningsfysiologie Amsterdam
  • 03/20/1997 Koude handen
    Contactcommissie TNO-TM Soesterberg
  • 03/25/1997 Ergonomie
    Studenten Ergonomie Utrecht Soesterberg
  • 03/26/1997 Risico-Inventarisatie en -evaluatie
    Arbo-artsen KM Leiden
  • 04/04/1997 Whole body scanning
    Bodyfashion Hoevelaken
  • 04/17/1997 Whole body scanning
    Fenecon-werkkleding Hoevelaken
  • 04/18/1997 Werken in de kou
    Arbo-kring Bew.wetenschappen Soesterberg
  • 04/24/1997 Whole body scanning
    TNO-ers (cross-selling) Eindhoven
  • 05/06/1997 Inrichting Duyverman Computer Centrum
    Management DCC Maasland
  • 05/15/1997 Movement artifacts during whole body scanning
    Congres 3D imaging Ottawa (CDN)
  • 05/28/1997 Whole body scanning
    World Fashion Center Amsterdam
  • 06/03/1997 Whole body scanning
    Ned. Ver.voor Ergonomie Soesterberg
  • 06/13/1997 Centrale en perifere regulatie van de vingerdoorbloeding in de kou
    Divers (Colloquium) Soesterberg
  • 06/26/1997 Whole body scanning
    NATO Panel 8 Brussel (B)
  • 08/14/1997 NedScan
    Brancheverenigingen Textiel Hoevelaken
  • 08/22/1997 Inrichting Duyverman Computer Centrum
    Directieleden Duyverman Soesterberg
  • 09/10/1997 3D head scanning
    Gallet helmen (F) Soesterberg
  • 09/15/1997 Infra red ear canal thermometry
    Management Braun Frankfurt (D)
  • 09/17/1997 Central and peripheral control of finger blood flow in the cold
    Promotie-gasten Amsterdam
  • 09/26/1997 Autostoelen
    Industrie en Ergonomen Soesterberg
  • 10/02/1997 Thermofysiologie
    Deelnemers AGARD conf. Rotterdam Soesterberg
  • 10/06/1997 Cold Induced VasoDilation
    Vakgroep Fysiologie VU Amsterdam
  • 11/08/1997 Fysieke veranderingen van de Nederlander
    Klub voor Lange Mensen Velp